Saturday, May 4, 2013

Spider Bite

Yay its the weekend, its Saturday after noon, the weather is beautiful and I am stuck in bed. Unfortunately, Friday morning I awoke with a terrible spider bite on my ankle. Saturday morning my ankle was so swelled I could barely walk on it :( , I am hoping it is the first and last one this season. I googled "spider bites" and I read to keep it elevated, not to use it so much and to put an ice pack, so thats what I am doing. It seems to be working for me but, i'm not a Dr. so don't take my word for it or my advice
Over the years our large family has had to endure the spider bites, but no one as bad as my husband or 2 of our children. My husband had a terrible bite on his face, he stayed home from work for 3 days, he went to the Dr. and behold he was having an allergic reaction. My daughter (15 at the time), had a bite on her elbow that was infected, she couldn't move her arm so she too had to see the Dr., my stepson (15 at the time) had a bite on his knee, well it was summer so that was a terrible time as he could barely walk.
It is only the beginning of spring and summer so let's hope this is that last of the insect bites. Oh and I forgot to mention the mosquitos are so bad here it's prob only the first of millions of bites. YAY SUMMER


  1. Yikes! I have never been bit by a spider yet Im scared to death of them. Found your cute blog on bloggy moms. Cant wait to read more of your stories.

    1. Thank You for stopping by :) and I'm glad you enjoy my "beginner" blog...
