Monday, May 6, 2013

An Eventful Weekend

Today didn't start like most days. I slept in until noon. Who does that anymore, the world is so fastpaced who has time to sleep in anymore? Well apparently I do and I guess after the weekend i've had my body, mind, and spirit needed the extra couple of hours.
My weekend was full of tough love, spider bites, allergies, my husband working all weekend, supper, laundry and getting ready for Monday again.
So lets start with the tough love because I already blogged about the spider bite, which by the way is all healed up, unlike my emotions. So "Toughlove" the term usually means to teach your children a lesson and although you still love them with all your heart and soul, it's time they grow up!!!!
When I was a young teenage mother I relied on my parents alot, so much that I never budgeted because why bother they would buy me and my children what ever we needed anyways RIGHT??? well I was WRONG!!!! oh they never let their grandchildren starve don't get me wrong, they just made me buget and gave me a good scare. You see I probably went one day freaking out over how on earth do I provide for myself. They eventually felt bad enough that they rescued me. Notice I wrote "MYSELF" ?? yah because when I was 19 with 2 babies at home I still thought of myself. Boy have I grown up since then. It somehow became more about the children than myself. Now I have almost completely lost myself that I gave up my job, my house, my friends, to move an hour and a half away to support my OLDEST children in their life journeys. WHY you may ask?? because I wasnt ready to let go yet, what if something happened to them and I wasn't there? OMG I hate the thought.
Well things have been going from to great to good to not bad to bad to WORSE.
We had a big blow out with our 21 and soon to be 20 yr old that we moved out of THEIR place and into our own.
Well if you have been keeping up with my blogs you would have notice in the beginning I wrote that we live with our 2 oldest daughters. Well that isn't the case after the weekend.
Now I don't condone disrespecting one's parent. NO NO No thats a No No. But I do take some responsibility here, I did not allow them to move on their own and test the water like my parents did to me right from the start. They didn't ask me to move with them, or move in with them, I just did.
Now we aren't speaking. So I am lonely, hurt by things that were said, upset that the "other" absent parent thought He had to be involved some how, and a tiny bit relieved. How can I possibly be relieved? Because its been stressful and busy and tiresome looking after children that in age are clearly ADULTS!!!! and its time I let go and let them fly on their own.
It's not like I am hours away, I am blocks away, more like 30 blocks away.
As for my husband being at work all weekend, well I needed the emotional support. I do however, still have 2 teenagers and 1 preteen living at gome with me so they have not all flown the nest yet. I guess I always thought they would live at home with me but nope thats not the case, they grow up and move out.
Gnite and Happy Reading

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