Thursday, May 2, 2013

Life is too REAL sometimes

Today was a day full of arguments and disagreement with the kids, walking around on eggshells around the kids, wondering whose going to blow a gasket yet, and wanting to just say "take number or get in line".
Is it the spring weather? the loooong winter we've had? I just don't know. All day I felt like I did something wrong, like I was the one that got out of bed on the wrong side.
Then I finally had a moment to myself tonight and thought "this too will pass", tomorrows another day. I remembered all the terrible two's i've gone through, all the tantrums and "I hate you mom"'s that i've endoured over years. To some parents who are just experiencing the terrible two's or temper tantrums just a word of warning, there is a terrible 16, a terrible 18 and sometimes even a terrible 21, not in all kids but in some, and there is light at the end of the tunnel and in my case its a late honeymoon destination called VEGAS. My husband took me there about 5 years ago and when I have days like this I like to go back to my memories of being kid free for 3 days.
Everyone is fast asleep or soon to be fast asleep and tomorrow is indeed another day, the sun will be shining and my terrible 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 19, 21, and 22 year olds will once again be the beautiful, well mannered, respectful children that I know they are, and just like when they were all only "2" this will all be a memory (that I blocked out.)
Gnite and Happy Reading :)


  1. Hi Marge!

    I found your blog through Mommy Bloggers. I can so relate. I have a 2 year old and a 19 year old. 2 different extremes! I sometimes want to go away and just leave them with their dad when I have my days with them too. I'm from Vegas and Hawaii so these 2 places are so tempting to go!

    The Wondering Brain

  2. Thank You for stopping by, and wow a 19 yr old and a 2 yr old that is a huge age difference. Yes Vegas is wonderful and the trip was actually about a week long as we drove to Vegas from Canada. I wish I could say the trying times are few and far between but sometimes thats just not the case LOL. We did return to Vegas a couple of years later but this time we took 6 of our children and it was alot of fun :)
