Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I dug out my flip flips to early

I woke up to a snow storm at the end of April. I had to time everything just right. I knew the streets would be icy. Everyone was at least 10 minutes late. How did this happen I thought to myself. I timed everything just right. School lunches were made, van was warming up, sweaters were pulled out of the closet. I left at least 10 minutes earlier. Well, I hit every red light, I drove behind someone going slower than usual, I had 2 extra stops to make and I had to stop for gas.
Over the years I have had to put more than my share of kilometers on our vehicles.
When my husband and I started living together, we lived out of town on an acreage. Everyone had to wake up an hour earlier and we had to travel in all types of weather.
We have had to drive to 3 different school for different start times and different end times.
The joys of being blessed with so many children and trying to support them all with their education.
Tomorrow is another day and this time I have all my ducks in a row and everyone will be on time.

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